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Introduction of National Information Sharing and Analysis Center (N-ISAC)

In 2001, Taiwan established "National Information & Communication Security Taskforce" (NICST) to actively promote the security infrastructure of information and communication. NICST began to promote cross-sector information sharing and cyber security analysis since 2008. The Government Information Sharing and Analysis Center (G-ISAC) was officially launched in November 2009 to develop early warning and incident response procedure through the interchange of the G-ISAC platform.

On December 29, 2014, the Homeland Security Office of the Executive Yuan issued the "Guidelines for National Critical Infrastructure Security Protection", which regulates eight critical infrastructure sectors (CI sectors), including Energy, Water Resources, Communications, Transportation, Banking and Finance, Eemergency Relief and Hospitals, Central and Local Government Agencies, and High-Tech Parks. To rapidly grasp security threats to various CI sectors, private industries and initate emergency response, each of NICST’s Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Management Groups and related security organizations all developed critical information infrastructure protection mechanisms.

Given that the domestic and international sources of cyber security gradually diversified and increasing numbers of cyber security intelligence, to manage and transmit cross-sector information of cyber security effectively and achieve joint defense horizontally, National Information Sharing and Analysis Center (N-ISAC) began operation in January 2018. Through the information sharing mechanism of standardized formats and automated systems, it greatly enhanced the immediacy, correctness and integrity of information, while establishing vertical and horizontal interchange of cross-sector information and security threats to achieve rapid integration, instant sharing and effective application of the security information. Finally, this will reinforce the overall response and protection capabilities of our national cyber security.